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Adreena cries while I bitch-fuck and spank hier

  • Dauer: 3:37
  • Views: 66
  • Datum: 16.02.2016
  • Rating:

I get Adreena to lean against the end of the sofa with one leg up on it and shove my big Belgian dong back up hier sh*thole. There’s something about this girl that’s bringing the animal out ter mij. I fuck hier real hard and start spanking hier. I pauze hier. She starts to cry. She wasgoed actually a bit tearful after Andy played with hier at the beginning and zometeen she explained that it wasgoed because he used demeaning language with hier, which triggered bad stuff from hier past. Now something’s clicked inside hier and she’s openly sobbing. Both myself and Andy invite hier to use hier safe words. She doesn’t. I don’t zekering and I carry on fucking hier hard and spanking hier. It’s entirely up to hier. 4/7.

