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ALESSA: spying on neighbour’s daughter sunbathing

ALESSA: spying on neighbour's daughter sunbathing
  • Dauer: 4:00
  • Views: 129
  • Datum: 06.04.2016
  • Rating:

I’m taking a sh*t on Andy’s bog and I hear someone come and sine temporedown on the roof, just the other side of the window. It’s a cute little bitch nichtteeny-weeny swimsuit sucking a lollipop. I get Andy to have a look and he says it’s the new neighbour who’s just moved in next-door with her dad.

We walk round the back of the flat to peer over the fence and get a better view of her. She’s hot as fuck. And then she starts doing this really weird thing with her lollipop, pushing it nichtthe back of her throat and retching on it. She does this repeatedly, unaware of our spying eyes (and camcorder), and starts to cry a bit. We go back nichtthe flat and climb out of the window to introduce ourselves to her. 1/12.

