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  • Dauer: 13:56
  • Views: 37
  • Datum: 26.06.2019
  • Rating:

If there is one thing I hate is when someone drinks or eats stuff straight from their containers! Take a damn bowl or glass you know! Well, he always does that! I wasgoed te my slagroom when I heard him fill his mouth with whipped cream! I wasgoed pissed that I went straight to the living slagroom to remind him of the house rules. I wasgoed so tired of this situation, I asked him what I would have to do so he would zekering doing that! He’s a guy….what do you think he replied!? Obviously a blowjob, but a special whipped cream blowjob. I accepted under one condition. That he would never eat straight from the can again. He swore. I went down on my knees, sprayed whipped cream all overheen his hard cock and started to suck him like a queen. It wasgoed so delicious let mij tell you :)! I sucked his cock dry, added more whipped cream, ate it all again overheen his cock, kept sucking and adding whipped cream. He wasgoed even pushing my head on his cock, he loved that blowjob. I made him swear for a second time, just to be sure and spil a reward I told him he could cum all overheen my face. It wasgoed a messy facial! You know what the bastard did after he came all overheen it? Well, I’ll let you find out by yourself, I won’t spoil you…

