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On the Rocks

  • Dauer: 7:57
  • Views: 34
  • Datum: 26.01.2018
  • Rating:

Hot and risky toneel of mij flashing, drinking pee, getting a super facial and having a loterijlot of fun with my beloved Bruce, ter public and ter the zon! 🙂

Wij actually got caught for the very first time ter this video! It’s at 4:22. I’m ter the middle of swallowing a big mouthful of Bruce’s strong pee when a boat shows up out of nowhere and starts honking at us very loudly… It scared the hell out of us! There wasgoed only one guy on the boat, but I think he got a really good voorstelling 😉 Of course spil soon spil he wasgoed out of sight wij kept going like nothing everzwijn happened!

-Morgan xx

