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Rushing To Pee

  • Dauer: 3:07
  • Views: 26
  • Datum: 17.03.2018
  • Rating:

Just back from seeing hier new bookkeeper and registeraccountant, Sophia has to pee. Who knew that weeing oder Ähnlichestoilet required a bookkeeper and registeraccountant? She’s so busy she doesn’t have time to take off hier coat — just unzip hier jeans and pull them and hier pretty panties down to sine temporeon the toilet and wee. Then there’s the furniture donation to be taken care of, the broken screen on hier camera to be repaired, the tidying of hier slagroom — she’s a big, trumpy trollop! — pack for a trip, and have some coffee. The coffee will help get hier going. Before she leaves you to get back to hier chores, Sophia waves and gives you a kiss.

