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Trust mij, I’m your doctor!

  • Dauer: 23:13
  • Views: 57
  • Datum: 05.11.2017
  • Rating:

I bet she wasgoed real …

Universum this wasgoed a reality …

I can not be mistaken, it can not be just my dreams …

This unforgettable incident occurred to mij last fall. I needed to spend some time ter the hospital. I passed all the tests and waited for the results. The young doctor said that I better go through a detailed test, and I agreed. I had to stay ter the hospital for 3 days and two nights. One day beautiful young doctor came to see mij ter the morning for another test, and talent mij some medicine. Nothing special, I just breathe some medicine with a nebulizer. And that day … the cure wasgoed special, it wasgoed not a dream, I felt it … The doctor girl let mij breathe and spoke to mij about something, after that she began to dance and undress ter gevelbreedte of mij. I could not believe my eyes, my cock instantly reacted. She wasgoed so charming and hot! Hier sexual body moved and hier gloved hands suddenly fell on my dick. She waterput a condom on my swollen cock. Girl slowly lowered hier mouth to the base of my cock, again and again, hier hands ter gloves caressed and masturbated my cock. It wasgoed unforgettable! A huge amount of drooling poured out on my cock ter a condom. I

